The Potential and Challenges of Women with Attention Deficit Disorder in the Workplace
Mode: Online
Primary Language: English
Subtitles available in both Chinese and English
Advance registration is required
Target participants:
Parents, ADHD Experts, Social Workers, Caregivers of friends with ADHD, Teachers, SENCOs
#ADHDWomenInTheWorkplace, #SupportingWomenWithADHD, #WomenWithAttentionDeficit, #WorkplaceChallengesAndPotential, #ADHDWorkplaceAdaptation, #InclusiveWorkplace, #CreativityAndProblemSolving, #TimeManagementAndMultitasking
In today’s highly competitive workplace, women already face numerous challenges in coping with work pressures. Women with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) face even more obstacles, often being viewed as “different,” but this perspective overlooks their unique strengths and abilities. In this webinar, Ms. Noelle Sinclair will guide us in gaining a new understanding of this often-overlooked group.
Drawing from her personal experiences and professional expertise, Ms. Sinclair will explore the specific challenges faced by women with ADHD in the workplace, such as multitasking, time management, and teamwork. She will also highlight the unique advantages of ADHD women, including creativity, innovative problem-solving skills, and a strong intuition.
This webinar offers a valuable opportunity to learn how to better support women with ADHD and to unlock their potential in the workplace. Whether you are a business leader, manager, or someone interested in this topic, you are welcome to join us in this session to learn and grow together.
We look forward to discussing how to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with you!