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陳棨豪 先生
Mr. Hercules Chan Kai Ho (‘20)

VOID App 創始人.香港
VOID App Founder・HK

陳棨豪(Hercules) 是一位臨床催眠治療師,為客戶提供催眠治療以及教授冥想應對精神健康問題,他在處理抑鬱症、焦慮症和失眠方面具有豐富經驗。他的願景是打造一個自助冥想平台 – Void,讓人們通過應用程式隨時隨地學習和進行冥想。他同時也是國際發呆比賽冠軍得主,在香港推廣慢活和精神健康價值不遺餘力,過去一年為過百社福機構、學校和知名國際上市企業提供培訓,受惠人數超過六千人。


精神健康急救培訓 (MHFA)
2015年 TEDxHongKong 講者 (Be Smarter)
2017年香港資訊及通訊科技獎  大獎及金獎
2018年 Generation T List 入選者(香港Tatler)

Hercules is a clinical hypnotherapist who provides hypnotherapy and teaches meditation to help people deal with mental health problems. He has extensive experience in dealing with depression, anxiety, and insomnia. His vision is to create a self-service meditation platform-Void, allowing people to learn and meditate anytime, anywhere, through the app. He is also the champion of the international daze competition. He has spared no effort to promote the value of slow living and mental health in Hong Kong. He has provided training for 100 social welfare institutions, schools, and well-known international listed companies in the past year, benefiting more than 6,000 people.

Certified Hypnotherapist (NGH)
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (ACHE)
Mental Health First Aid Training (MHFA)
Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy Training (MBCT)
NLP Advanced Practitioner
Risk Management and Business Intelligence and Minor Entrepreneurship (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
2015 TEDxHongKong Speaker (Be Smarter)
2017 Hong Kong Information and Communication Technology Awards Grand Prize and Gold Award
Champion of the International Daze Contest (Taiwan Station)
2018 Generation T List winners (Hong Kong Tatler)

陳棨豪 先生
Mr. Hercules Chan Kai Ho (‘20)


《Let’s talk ADHD》為讀者和觀眾提供健康及生活資訊,惟若讀者和觀眾有任何疑問,請向醫生或相關專業人士,包括心理學家或治療師等,尋求專業意見和治療。


Let's Talk ADHD 是一家認證的 B Corp™ 社會企業,致力於提高香港企業和公眾的ADHD意識與支持,共同轉變生命。我們期望創建一個對所有人都有平等工作和機會的世界。

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