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陳健欣 先生
Mr. Peter K.Y. Chan 

樹洞香港 .創辦人 .香港
TreeholeHK・Founder ・HK

Peter 是社會企業《樹洞香港 TreeholeHK》的創辦人。他於香港推廣心理學與思考文化。他擁用豐富企業培訓經驗,曾於香港交易所、CUHK 等多間本地大學、 DHL 等跨國企業開辦工作坊。他的強項是把心理學理論化為著地的實用知識,運用心理學於職埸溝通與市場推廣。

TEDx 講者:Mindfulness: Training the Mind for Modernity
經濟日報、Business Focus、HSBC VisionGo 專欄作家

Peter is the founder of the social enterprise "TreeholeHK." He promoted the psychology and thinking culture in Hong Kong. He has extensive corporate training experience and has held workshops in many local universities such as the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and CUHK, and multinational companies such as DHL. His strengths are the theory of psychology into practical knowledge of grounding and psychology in job communication and marketing.

Personal experience:

Bachelor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong, Visiting student at Oxford
Author of "Mind Training: An Empirical Training Method for Controlling the Brain with Mindful Learning
TEDx Speaker: Mindfulness: Training the Mind for Modernity
Columnist for Economic Daily, Business Focus, HSBC VisionGo

陳健欣 先生
Mr. Peter K.Y. Chan 
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