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李賀若瑩 女士
Mrs. Josephine Anna Lee(‘20)

創辦人及總監 .香港
International Center for the gifted & Talented (HK) Ltd. ・Founder and Director・HK

一九九七年我在香港創國際資優人士中心,是步武吾師 Dr. Linda Kreger Silverman 的芳表。我的專長是評估輔導高度至嚴重資優的人,為他們各方面的獨特需要,設計培育方案。特別是資優者兼備了亞氏保加症、過度活躍症、感知統合失調、焦慮、燥鬱症或其他情緒問題而引發的特殊需要。設計個別的培育方案能幫他們更有信心和方向感發展自己所長,在身、心、智、靈及社群發展都不致失衡。此外,我亦提供事業發展的策略指導,致於個人靈修培育我亦很重視。過去20多年共處理超過800個案。


I started up the Center in 1997 following the footstep of my role model, Dr. Linda K. Silverman. As internationally renowned guru in the field of assessment and counseling of the gifted and talented, Dr. Silverman has been guiding me through my career journey ever since Graduate School at Melbourne University. Inspired by Linda's commitment in promoting advanced development, I am dedicated to optimize the life span development of gifted and talented people as my lifelong career.

My specialty is primarily on assessment and counseling of the highly and profoundly gifted, programming for multiple exceptional educational needs (e.g. challenges of Asperger, ADHD, SID and or Anxiety), psychology of career development and psycho-spiritual guidance.

Academic Qualification:
University of Melbourne, Australia (2013~) PhD candidate
University of Melbourne, Australia (1999) - Master of Education (concentration in Educational Psychology).
University of Melbourne, Australia (1997) - Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Studies (concentration in Special Education).
Monash University, Australia (1996) - Major sequence in Psychology for the Bachelor of Arts (Accredited by the Australian Psychological Society).
Deakin University, Australia (1994) - Bachelor of Education.

李賀若瑩 女士
Mrs. Josephine Anna Lee(‘20)


《Let’s talk ADHD》為讀者和觀眾提供健康及生活資訊,惟若讀者和觀眾有任何疑問,請向醫生或相關專業人士,包括心理學家或治療師等,尋求專業意見和治療。


Let's Talk ADHD 是一家認證的 B Corp™ 社會企業,致力於提高香港企業和公眾的ADHD意識與支持,共同轉變生命。我們期望創建一個對所有人都有平等工作和機會的世界。

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